Should I install VB-Cable or Virtual HiFi cable for my use ? I'd logically prefer Virtual HiFi Cable (my purpose is HiFi, not gaming), but I don't know if it's compatible with HeSuVi.
How could I find what's going on precisely ? I can't seem to find the right settings for my use.
I finally have managed to increase it by temporarily changing the assignment of CABLE Output (via the "Listen" tab of Sound Control panel) to "free" the sound card. I have tried to increase my sound card's buffer size, BUT Windows wouldn't let me, because some "MME multichannel application or service" was denying it. I wonder if it could be the buffer size of my physical PCI sound card (ESI default buffer size is 256 samples (which I've been using for 10 years without any issues). Their intervals seem to vary, it can be anytime in the 20-45 seconds period approximately. BUT I have audio glitches every 30 seconds or so ! Which makes it impossible to listen to a whole song. It all works and sounds great in my headphones : I have spatialized sound via HeSuVi, it's really amazing. I play music as follows : foobar2000 -> Output = "Default: CABLE input"
I have changed VB-Cable's samplerate to 44100 too (and rebooted).
(why 44.1 instead of 48 ? Because my goal is to play music, and 99% of my FLAC files are of course 44100 Hz)
CABLE input, CABLE output and my sound card (ESI are all configured at the same bitrate/samplerate (24/44.1).
CABLE input is configured for 7.1 sound.
(the only difference is that I didn't set CABLE input as default sound card, because I want to keep my as default for other applications) Yesterday, I have successfully installed HeSuVi with VB-Cable using this tutorial : My PC is running Windows 7 SP1 圆4, perfectly stable. I'm currently trying to achieve spatialization with my headphones and HeSuVi ( ). Sorry for the long message, but I need to explain things precisely.